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Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog #7 Outline and annotaded bibliography

Brandon Miller
Blog 7 Outline and Annotated Bibliography

Thesis for first few pages will be on the creation and history on Bungie and their games and how they laid the foundation for Halo and other games.
Next will be on the a very brief history on Halo itself and its six title library.After that is how Halo it self and how it had such huge impact on the gaming industry and gamers.The next few pages will be on what Machinama is and how Halo helped spar headed that .as well as Machinama today.I will also talk about The red vs Blue One of the most will know and popular machinama

Machinima web
“Red vs Blue” web

"Halo." Web. .

"Reach (Halo Rap Video)." Web. 17 Oct 2010. .

"Halo Ep. 1: All Your History S1E1 (Game Development History) ." Web. 17 Oct 2010. .

1 comment:

  1. I think you are making a very good start to a great paper, but i would just add that maybe you should use and just fill in all the information for your sources, but other than that I think you are on your way to an A.
